2Tomatos Games


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Survive Peak Oil!


Peak Oil is approaching and, as the president of a major oil company, you need to find a way to keep your company afloat! To do this, you’ll have to extract the last reserves of black-gold to raise the money needed to invest in the new technologies that are sure to soon replace oil. Of course, you’ll attempt to survive this crisis using legal means, but the competition won’t be so honorable. So maybe you’ll have to get your hands dirty as well….


On your turn in Peak Oil, you assign your agents to different action spots on the board. If your agents are in the majority at any given action spot, or you decide to send mercenaries to their help, they squelch the competition - allowing you to take the action. Actions include: developing and harvesting oil fields, building pipelines, hiring new agents, buying new ship contracts, investing in oil replacement technologies, conducting PR campaigns, engaging in piracy, and manipulating public opinion and oil prices.


The oil — small barrels that you draw from a bag when developing new oil fields — will run out. This is called "peak oil" and marks the end of the game. Players tally the value of the technologies in which they invested and supported during the game. Whoever shaped the future best (i.e. gained the most favor for their company) wins.